Love Poem Contest
Love Poem! Amateur Free Poem Contest! Publish Your Poem!
Many various resources related to poetry! Do not hesitate to visit our website!
Be the Lighthouse
Be the Lighthouse is the first ever book of experiences with Kundalini Yoga, written in the form of short poems, it contains almost 200 of the author's individual experiences with yoga, meditation and life in general.
Snider's Photography
nature and wildlife photography, books, fine art, water color paintings
Haiku by the Poetryman
Love Poems and Other Free Poetry
This blog contains poetry written by Anna Vera Williams. Her poems can be used for free, providing that her terms are kept. Submissions from other poets are also accepted.
Alcoholism Poems, Alcoholism Poetry, Poems on Alcoholism
Alcoholism Poems, Christian Tattoos, Jesus Resurrection Proof, Christian Testimony. Welcome to - Keepin it real 4 Jesus. Poems about alcoholism and addiction, Christian tattoos, Jesus resurrection proof, Christian testimony, cool stuff, video, audio and much more... I am a born again Christian from Glasgow, Scotland,
Whispering Words Poetry
Lifting Up The Name of Jesus. Family Articles, Items of Interest, About the Military,m etc.
Personalised Poetry
Poems for all occasions. All poems are personalised for any situation.
Po?¨mes, amour et je t aime de recueil de poesie. Le poeme d amour la glace du poete R Bellon, est le 1er po?¨me au monde traduit en 150 langues (hieroglyphes et maya) par des chercheurs.
Free Love Poems
Spiritual and Inspiring poems writing by a new up and coming African poet. Look to the sky for friendship poems