The text of the snakes and the text constitutional.The superior platform for the salvation.The man and God,the religion and the spirituality that the pervade,the religious sense in the third millennium.What you want to know in,it's.
August 2001 something happen to me. I meet with several people online who said a huge change was coming. During this time I was unable to sleep for about 2 weeks. At around 5:30 am PST on Sept. 11th 2001, I was able to sleep at peace. I felt the deaths of those on that day more then I wanted. I now share poetry that is beyond my own understanding.
A volume of aphoristic philosophy - supernotational literature - with a transcendental slant by John O'Loughlin of Centretruths. Can be read freely or downloaded in e-book form. Intellectually significant.
The main goal of this website is to share wishes worldwide and learn from one another. Do you have a practical problem, and do you wish it could be solved? Place your wish here and maybe someone, somewhere in the world will have a solution to your problem or will be inspired by your wish to develop new or improved products and services.