Business Web Directory
A searchable business web directory of sites categorized by topic, offering free and paid listings.
UK Shops and Stores the number one UK shopping directory for secure online shops and services within the UK.
Diamond jewelry directory
Offers high quality diamond jewelry listings of suppliers for loose and finished diamond jewelry including appraisals, insurance and diamond jewelry stores.
1StopDir - Free web directory is a niche directory specialising in webmaster, computer and internet related quality links - free.
Technology dir
Web directory with technology links.
Hold Your Links-Bidding Web Directory
Our link script displays links alphabetically, and lets you bid your way to the top of the list. Increase your bid to take a top position, and not only will your link list higher in the directory, but you could join Link Leaders on the homepage.
Diamonds directory
Categorized diamond links to diamond stores offering diamond rings, engagement rings, wedding rings, earrings, studs, necklaces, watches, insurance, loose diamonds, black diamonds & diamond jewelry.
Free Link Exchange Directory
Online resource web directory for quality, family-friendly sites in an extensive set of general categories. Featured, standard, and reciprocal listing options are available.
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Bonin Shoes
Find sources for shoes for the entire family. Shoes for all occasions - formal to outdoor, slippers to clogs and more. Over 150 shoe sites. 100's of brands to chose from such as Crocs, Adidas, Puma, Skechers, Rockport, Keds, Birkenstock and more.